The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a huge impact on Nepal’s health-care system. The government of Nepal was quick to impose nationwide lockdown and other restrictive measures to curb the community transmission. However, due to lack of adequate testing, contact tracing, and strict isolation measures at community-level, Nepal experienced one of the highest transmission rates of Delta variant, infecting more than 10,000 individuals each day.

To combat COVID-19 in Nepal and break the chain of community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus, a model of mass antigen testing initiative was initiated by HFN in Resunga Municipality of Gulmi District in collaboration with the Resunga municipality, Gulmi district hospital, Resunga Municipality, and the Provincial Health Directorate collaborated on the project. A team of laboratory professionals, staff nurse, contact tracer, public health professionals, female community health volunteers, and community mobilizers were mobilized in each ward of Resunga municipality to test, trace, and isolate all individuals with COVID-19 related symptoms. Community leaders helped to trace the contacts of infected individuals and implement home isolation. HFN later provided telemedicine based follow-up care to all COVID-19 infected individuals.
532 were tested during mass antigen testing program, 40 COVID-19 positive individuals were identified, 72 contacts were traced, 12 individuals tested positive from contact tracing, and 36 were followed up by HFN tele-medicine program.
10+ Items
A supply of COVID-19 related medical supplies were provided to public health facilities and local governments of Gulmi District (18 pulse oximeter, 18 infrared thermometer, 33,250 surgical masks, 3480 100ml sanitizer spray bottle, 5 set digital timer, 3000 copy COVID 19 IEC printed materials provided to Gulmi hospital, Resunga Municipality, Dhurkot PHC, Ruru rural municipality, Johang PHC, Chatrakot PHC of Gulmi district and Fachakpur UHC, Saudiyar Health Post, Laxmi Health post and Jhingni UHC of Ghorahi Municipality Dang district)