Support our cause
If you would like to provide financial support to any of our on-going initiative, kindly follow the link to donate. You can specify which the cause you are interested in.
HFN is a 501(c) registered non-profit in the United States. Any donations you make to HFN will be tax exempt.
Join HFN as a Member
HFN is an organization that is flourishing in the spirit of giving, volunteerism and service to the neediest communities in Nepal. Our members are friends, families, and colleagues who have crossed paths during our professional and personal lives and have decided to become part of our mission. HFN welcomes individuals from any nationality and various backgrounds who align with our mission and vision to become part of our organization.
You can join us by completing following steps:
1. Donate $125 per year to become a member
2. Donate $35 per year to become a student member
3. Donate one-time fee of $1000 to become a life member.
Simply pay your membership fees via our Donate button and select membership and fees option.
HFN also provides opportunities for active members to be involved in our board and executive leadership. Anyone interested in leadership are encouraged to reach out to current board and executive members via our email address.
Internship, Practicum, and Volunteering
To view any current internship and volunteering openings, please follow this link.
You can also drop your interest to volunteer or intern in any of our on-going program following the steps below:
Complete Application form using this form
Attach motivational letter explaining which program, why you are interested in, and the duration you are willing to be involved.
Attach Curriculum Vitae
Candidates are shortlisted on the basic of candidate’s interest and organizational needs. The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by the specialist interviewers working in the organization. After placement, the interns and volunteers will be assigned with a supervisor who will guide them through the internship and volunteering process. They will be assigned with different roles and responsibilities from their supervisor. The supervisor will daily orient, communicate, review expectations of interns and volunteers and arrange for training and equipment. By getting involved in the HFN you will get exposure to a range of events like webinars, programs, community exposure, training, community health and clinical experience, non-profit management, etc.
Ask Ava (Mentorship for US Medical Licensing Exam)
Ask Ava” is a program initiated by members of Health Foundation Nepal in 2019 with a goal of providing mentorship to medical graduates from Nepal who are interested in pursuing their career in the US. Our objective is to bring together Nepalese residency applicants so that they could share their experiences and help each other. Ask Ava conducts multiple webinars every year to Nepalese physician applicants about US medical education, medical licensing exams and residency application process. Mentors at Ask Ava are physicians from Nepal who are currently working in the US at different hospitals. Our mentors guide more than 100 mentees individually every year at Ask Ava Health Foundation Nepal. Multiple applicant physicians have also registered for clinical shadowing opportunities through Ask Ava. For more information please contact the Ask Ava team at Health Foundation Nepal.
Observership opportunities in the United States
Health Foundation Nepal, in collaboration with Palm Beach Elder care, offers USMLE aspirants a month externship program in geriatrics and research basics. Externs learn about EMR systems, note writing skills, geriatric syndromes, and basic research concepts under the supervision of a geriatrician. The research curriculum is offered to externs under the supervision of a research scientist at Wake Forest University. At the end of the rotation, externs are awarded 2 letters of recommendation – by a geriatrician and a research faculty. For further details, please email us.
Health Foundation Nepal (HFN) Internship Program:
The Health Foundation Nepal (HFN) internship provides students with practical experience and skill development in working in low-resourced health care settings, particularly in the areas of non-communicable diseases and community-based mental health. Working alongside physicians, nurses, psychosocial counselors, and community health volunteers, HFN interns will apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in their coursework and witness firsthand the collaborative approach needed to sustainably improve community health. For international interns, the internship It is also a perfect opportunity for recent graduates to hone their expertise in community-based health care and expand their professional connections. The wide variety of activities and events the internship provides allows interns to network with government official, non-profit organizers and health care professionals from around the world. The program is open to both Nepalese and international students and will be conducted virtually and in the field. There is an application fee for international interns.

Mental Health:
Our mental health programs, Smille Mothers and Smile Ama-Ba (Grandma and Grandpa), provide community based mental health screenings and psychosocial counseling to individuals throughout the Dang region. Interns interested in global mental health and community based mental health can shadow community health workers and counselors during their home visits, help collect and analyze patient data and understand mental health in Nepal from a policy level.

The Rehabilitation center in Kuirepane provides mental and rehabilitation support to Dang patients. Our mental health nurses and psychosocial counselors help patients rehabilitate and prepare them to live normal lives in the community. Interns will gain a first-hand understanding the various health and public health challenges of rehabilitation in a low-income setting.

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Project:
The NCD project is a longitudinal study that aims to understand the prevalence of and provide care for patients with hypertension and diabetes in the Dang district. The HFN team holds camps in nearby villages to treat and follow up with patients. High risk patients are also given counseling on better health habits and have their blood drawn to conduct labs for more advanced health screenings. Interns can help conduct screening visits, measure patient vitals and shadow HFN physicians during their consultations.

Partner with us
Health Foundation Nepal is committed to collaborating with like-minded organizations and groups to improve the health and well-being of the most underserved people in Nepal. We welcome partnership and collaboration with organizations and groups who are aligned with our mission. Kindly contact us directly at our official email address with your interest and proposal.